Thursday, March 18, 2010


Okay... I'm such a sucker for these things, but I love reading them after and seeing what kind of mood I was in, and if my responses differ... its a real headlight into my soul at a given time...

10 favorites
Colour: purple
Food: perrogies and cabbage rolls
Month: February
Song: 'Save a Life' by The Fray
Movie: Something's Gotta Give
Sport: curling
Season: spring
Day of the Week: Friday
Ice Cream Flavour: chocolate
Time of Day: dawn

9 Currents
Mood: inspired
Clothes: pjs and robe - cozy
Taste: post caffeine
Desktop: inspired
Toenail colour: naked
Time: 9:46am
Surroundings: my newly organized and refreshed inside studio - I'm going to blog and post pics about it later. Feels SOOOOO good and inspiring already couldn't wait to get down here first thing this morning!
Thoughts: Do I really HAVE TO go out at all today?
Wonderings: Why am I so scared to start reading 'Pillars of the Earth'?

8 Firsts
Best Friend: Sue Kim
Kiss: oh my... Alan somebody in grade 9 - he was mulatto black with icy blue eyes and braces (lol), dancing to Stairway to Heaven (cheesy, I know)
Screen name: tll
Pet: Taffy
Piercing: ears
Crush: Shaun Cassidy
Computer: I think it was a computer that Guy had ... can't remember it very well at all
Home Location: Edmonton, near Bonnie Doon Mall, kind of kitty corner to where my Dad lives now (funny)

7 Lasts
Cigarette: hmmm... sometime in the mid 90's I think? (unless I slipped up in a drunken stupor sometime in the last few years!??)
Drink: Alcohol - beautifully rich Bordeaux last night; Non-Alcohol - espresso, soon to be another
Kiss: when Guy left for work this morning
Movie seen at the theatre: Crazy Heart with Alison last week
Phone call: the kids last night, calling from Nanaimo - Tessa's voice was heartbreaking, so I'm picking them up tomorrow
CD played: 'Cafe Paris'
Gift received: cash from my aunt in the mail with a sweet belated birthday card I have pinned up on my bulletin board

6 Have You Evers
Dated one of your best friends: kinda
Broken the law: yup
Been arrested: nope
Skinny dipped: yup, and quite recently I might add - just a few months ago in Sooke (shhhh)
Been on TV: yup
Kissed someone you didn't know: ooooh yes, that boy on the dance floor in 1993.... wowzers, what alcohol can make a person do!

5 things
You've eaten today: actually nothing yet, just the espresso, but I am hungry - one of Nancy's chicken's eggs is calling my name, and nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
You've done today: cut out some magazine pictures for a collage, checked my email, lurked around my new fave blog, made espresso, smelled the dried lavender in a pot on my desk
You can hear right now: birds chirping outside, Cody snoring, the loud pitter-patter of Sadie as she comes down the stairs, the whirring of the computer, the traffic in the distance
You can't live without: my family, my friends, espresso, my camera, and my dreams and hopes
You do when you're bored: surf the web, read magazines, laundry, read emails, tidy the kitchen

4 Places You've Been Today
my bed
the kitchen
the bathroom
my indoor studio (I need to come up with a name as good as my outdoor studio - The Scrap Shack)

3 people you can tell anything to
(weird... never noticed before that they all start with 'A')

2 Choices
Black or white: black
Hot or cold: hot

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