Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

you likey?

new design tools in blogger - SOO cool!

whatcha think?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Unexpectedly delightful

The day started off frustrating, and I hate to wake up that way, but my man is sore. back issues. again. So this means off to the shop I go to try and head off customers who may show up unexpectedly... thankfully none did. Managed to leave messages and talk to concerned customers (we do LOVE our customers, so compassionate) about rebooking.

Not the way I've been used to starting my day.

My days have been starting off more like this. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. hmmmmmmmmmm. ahhhhhhhhhhh. And I know that will end soon enough, as I have this feeling a big ole J.O.B. is on the horizon - maybe a great one at that!

So for now I will continue to have days like today (the rest of the day anyway) lunch on the beach with kids and friends , sunsoaked moments of quiet and giggles and sandy toes, glorious fluffy pancakes for dinner, with fresh strawberries, bluberries, bananas and (oh god) double smoked bacon from this place. If heaven had a flavour, double smoked bacon would be one of them! As Sam put it, its just the kind of food that relaxes you.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

wherever here is... i am

So I sit here tonight, reading some beautiful blogs, many of which are kept up on a regular basis, and missing blogging, cause I really did enjoy it... and then I stumbled (as one does in blogville) on this gem who I found from this beauty (they're brilliant sisters who I've never met but would love to). And in reading her posts - many of them, because that's the beauty (seduction) of reading blogs... you can't just read one post - I finally felt the courage to post again. many weeks later.

Its not like I didn't have lots to post, not like I wasn't living a life. But its been a kind of weird life lately. And every day I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing. or supposed to be doing. so I just do. But stuff's not feeling too right with alot of what I'm doing, so I feel like its time to change a few things up.

except for this bitch called Inertia. I didn't invite her here, but she seems to have made herself pretty cozy on my couch. in my life. on my shoulder. Contrary to the *act* of inertia, or lack thereof, its a fuck of a lot of work.

so I'm tired. of what I'm not sure.

But I decided I needed to kick some inertia in the ass, remember what my blogger password was, screw with my laptop settings so I could post again, and start again.

changed the background colour. more to come. I hope. if *Inertia* doesn't bury me again.

Now, on a positive note... in reading the aforementioned gem of a blog, I came across this quote from a book (what book I don't know, as I can't find the post just this second...), but it gave me some perspective tonight through my unanticipated tears...

"This is your life, your one-and-only-life. Over the next five years, what do you really want to do? What do you really want to have? What do you really want to be? Where do you really want to go... You don't have to take life the way it comes to you. You can design your life to come to you the way you want it. This is YOUR LIFE, your one-and-only-life, and you don't want to miss any part of it. So, what is it going to be? YOU DECIDE. Starting today, you can make the next five years the most exciting, satisfying, productive and amazing years of your life so far - or... just another five years. The best day of your life is the day on which you decide your life is your own. NO ONE to lean on, rely or blame. The gift of life is yours, it is an amazing journey, and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. Life is about the choices you make...choose wisely. Live your life ON PURPOSE."