Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wowzers... a busy-ish week

...**I've become one of those people in the blogosphere that frustrate me... Imagine a blog you regularly peruse, only to check every day and see that it is stagnant. Nothing new. No new posts. Nada. Zippo. El disappointo.. Oy vay! Apologies to my very important numero uno audience member. xo**...

Holy man, I can't believe its been almost a week since I posted!! I think I had so many posts ruminating that I didn't think it was THAT long! oops!

It has been a week of learning, interesting and frustrating discoveries, and general busy-ness. Work for Guy is really amping up right now, which is fantastic, especially for January. THAT, I am so grateful for, and it really comes at an interesting time as I reflect on my daily habit of gratitude.... I'm not SO full of myself to think that the big 'ole universe is responding to my gratitude list every day... but it DOES help, I'm sure!

Speaking of the habit, it is still very much alive and well. My little book sits beside my bed and every night I check off at least five things I'm feeling especially grateful about. Today is no different. I'm uber grateful that Tessa had a good day at school (I need to be grateful for that, because I'm learning alot about my daughter right now that I didn't realize). I'm also grateful that she is going through these challenges right now, as I'm realizing how my habits and tendancies have an effect on her - I'm learning more about myself as my kids grow older - some of it good, some not-so-good.

I'm grateful the weather has been more temperate - enough to be able to hang outside after school. I think I was really starting to miss my fellow parents afterschool, but the daily social interaction is now coming back as the weather behaves more. Makes me feel more connected to my kids, the school, and our community of families here, which I LOVE.

I'm grateful to be going out for dinner with my good friend Mary, who I haven't seen in many many months, but we have a hiliarious habit of intense email communication during our Monday evening 'Bachelor' festivities! Tonight we will catch up over a lovely meal from down the street, and find out what's been happening in each other's lives these past few months. So looking forward to it!

I'm grateful to feel this creative churning that's going on inside myself - its been kinda dormant of late, so this light I'm sensing is very timely.

This January continues to surprise me as I feel better this month than I have for a long time. More grounded, more content, and more excited.

Totally cool.....

1 comment:

  1. I am so greatful to hear from you and find out what is going with you (somewhat - I look forward to us going out when I get back to really catch up). Great post and list of things you are greatful for. Love your writing and you continually awe me your creativeness, balanced life, and continual personal growth - you are an inspiration
