I can't BELIEVE it again! A whole week!
However, I have been keeping up my gratitude list daily, and today I have lots to be grateful for:
* to have such a WONDERFUL lovely best friend who is such a bright light (no matter where she is) in my life
* Jonah did his oratoire (public speaking) at school today and feels as though he did well (phew!) ~ one day at a time ...
* I'm grateful for inching that much closer to finishing off our year end for the accountant (ooooooh I can't WAIT!)
* the yummy french soup I made for dinner - so fresh-tasting and satisfying
* I just HAD to order Mastering the Art of French Cooking today (!!) because we simply NEEDED to order another book on Chapters online to make our shipping free (wheeeeee!)
* I'm grateful for the beans I'm about to warm up in the microwave to warm me up in bed when I climb in
* I'm grateful for this blog. I'm endeavoring to keep it up more regularly, but I do love it. Its real stream of consciousness for me most times, and that is theraputic and fun and I never know how its going to read until I hit 'Publish Post' - and that for me, in some weird way, is kinda exciting.
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