Today it hit me, like it does almost every family visit... only this time I looked at it differently. My family comes to visit at least three times a year - for all the kids birthdays. During that time I spend much of it cocooned with them, cooking, tidying, playing games, drinking wine, and towards the end, awaiting my life to start up again. Its like a period of time that is put on hold. I talk to generally not one of my friends, send very few emails, spend very little time by myself, do not take baths (whats up with THAT anyways - I know - WEIRD!), my laundry piles up, and so do alot of other things.
I've never looked at this time any differently than that - life on hold. Until today. Today it hit me that these are golden days - holiday days - and I should treat them that way. They are days off (well, aside from all the cooking, tidying, chauffering, etc.), and I should be grateful that I have a dozen or so days of the year where I'm not expected to work, to live the mundane aspects of my life, go to meetings, obsess over our budget, clean the house, do yardwork.
I have two more days until my ride is over for this visit. Then its back to (almost) real life again. Instead of anxiously awaiting that kickstart to the chaos, I've decided to relish the slower pace, the quiet tempo of my day, and I'm decidedly very grateful for that opportunity.
I love how you have looked at these visits differently - what a difference it must make. Life is short and we have to be grateful for the time we have with loved ones. Enjoy your days with your family.