But I have made a start. I have selected my first habit, and its one I should be doing already, but I will endeavor to be more mindful about it. Gratitude. I've got a lot to be grateful for, and I am going to pay more attention to what I have. At Zen Habits, he says you need to start small with changing a habit, so I've already started by creating this blog. For my one audience member :o) I've gone a step ahead and actually moved a gratitude journal that I have to the top of my book pile on my nightstand. Its also sitting right next to my alarm clock so I see it before I go to bed.
Now, if the sleep fairy hits me before I go to bed and I don't write in it, I'm gonna list the things I'm grateful for right now:
...Tessa turns 6 tomorrow, and I can hardly believe it. I'm grateful for all my kids, who really are the loveliest little people in the world.
...Guy, who is, as I type, wrapping Tessa's gifts in preparation for our sweet little birthday morning tradition of gathering on our bed to open gifts when we all first wake up.
...the final hot whisps of the fire that's been crackling in our fireplace all night.
...the silence of the house (I could be grateful for this one ALOT) - 5 people are sleeping - the kids, and my Dad and Sheila who just arrived today.
...my laptop, so I can write this blog.
I WILL post every day if I can, and I may not say everything I'm grateful for every day, cause some I may wanna keep to myself. My mind is already trying to trick me into thinking that sticking to only one new habit at a time is not enough, so I'll probably just try to do other things, without the typed commitment thing happening.
All for now. Big day tomorrow. Big girl is 6. wow. xoxo
What an amazing Habit to start with everything starts with being grateful b/c we are all so fortunate and probably don't appreciate the rich lives we live. I must remember to lend you a book I just finished called The Art of the Moment - one thing struck me on by slowing down we actually increase our lives - it makes such sense. So, I haven't started my blog yet but will (since you are such an inspiration) and my first Habit would be to ssssslllllooooowwww down. Thank you for starting this and making me the person you do it with!