The first of October. The rush of September has passed, and boy, it was a BUSY month! But now I feel more settled and centred and ready to have a fantastic month. I was so inspired {constantly, actually - so much so that I've developed quite the blog-crush} by this blog, that I've also decided that I'm going to make this a GREAT month for my family. Every day. Somehow. Celebrate everyday.
For the last two days I've been reorganizing my studio and finding my place there again. Had my regular group of croppers in there, and felt SUCH inspiration by what I was doing, and what they were doing, that I'm feeling my life-documentation mojo coming back. I was working on my Week in the Life project last night. First thing to report: never, NEVER tackle a project like this and NOT finish it soon after you begin it! I was lost for a bit, trying to determine which pictures are for which days, but I'm now back on track, and eager to finish up for my daylong workshop in two weeks.
Second thing to report ~ and the most important ~ I remember how it felt to document my life that week. It felt good. I felt inspired by MY OWN SELF. Which was a bit of an aha moment for me. I'm always searching for inspiration elsewhere, and who's kidding who, really. That is where we find a lot of inspiriation, is from others. But this mama actually found inspiration right in the seat where she was sitting. Moi. hmmm.... interesting idea to ponder.
And today I'm excited for two things... first is the fact that I can't wait to pick up this book from the library. My best friend introduced me to it this week, and I must say I'm very excited to leaf through the pages and becoming inspired to live. artfully. even just a bit.
So today I started by changing up the look of the blog a bit. Getting outside and photographing the change of the seasons - mushrooms are SO abundant in my yard this year. Embracing the month where we begin to retreat. cocoon. hold our loved ones tight while we cuddle up and watch a Friday night dvd.
Tonight (the second thing I'm looking forward to), however, we celebrate the birthday of a friend, and toast the culmination of our beautiful mosaic project with all the key people who worked so tirelessly on it. We're ready to bask in the glow of completion and put this baby to bed.
Happy Friday!
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