Beside my driveway sits an old fence. Really old. Falling half-way down old. Painted a colour that the trim on this house hasn't been for many many many years (I'm guessing). The fence is being pushed in all directions from the living things growing beside it. Its being pulled in opposite directions by gravity. Its perilously perched on the border of our property, and mostly is just there these days for appearance's sake. Many times the subject of our fence has come up on conversations of 'what do we tackle next' at home. (Sadly for the fence) it always seems to end up at the bottom of the 'to do' pile.
Today it looks different to me. It looks like home. Like a place I have been spending my life on of late.
I've discovered I've become a fence sitter. In many ways. MANY ways.
I discovered a new blog today {insert sarcastic gasp!} and it hit me like a freight train. This woman writes for me. From the comfort of her Montreal home, she is writing for me. ABOUT ME. About my life's recent perspective.
From the perch of my rickety old falling down cozy looking fence.
And now I must read her blog to figure out what the hell I'm doing there. And if I have what it takes right now to get off. Or if I'll sit for a while longer and get off in baby steps.
All I know is the view from here is too comfy. Too staid. Too fixed. Need to get me some discomfort (the good kind), some passion, some variety.
Need to mix it up a bit. Hmph... cozy fence begone...