Monday, November 15, 2010


This morning was one of those mornings where it could go one of two ways. It could be a shitstorm of a day (pun intended, given our recent multiple sewage backups), or it would be a day that goes more our way.

And so on we go. Our way. Relief today is spelled with a BIG R with many heroes a part of that amazing feeling. We are one day closer to getting our basement fixed and our lives back to normal. And we are one day closer to hearing the words 'Yes, we're responsible for the situation, it will be cleaned up, repaired, and your job is to eagerly watch the progress and ensure it gets done.'

Its one of those things that unless someone has felt the frustration and discomfort from their own disaster and displacement, most people really don't react. 'Oh that's too bad.' Or in the case of someone yesterday, (lovely as she is) tried to equate our situation with her car's ongoing mechanical issues.


And our basement leeching poop is by no means the worst that could ever happen. And there are SO many things that could have made the situation worse. And we are all healthy. And we have been able to continue living here, in our very own house. And I have a family that I love and adore. And we are nowhere close to being at each other's throats, despite living on top of one another right now.

It's showed me how much I can internalize. How much stress I can handle. How much unknown I can take before I crack. I'm an emotional person. Amazingly, the first tear I have shed throughout this whole process was not when sewage spilled the first time. Or the second time. Or the third time. Or at the thought of shelling out tens of thousands of dollars that we don't have to fix the problem. It was after our hero plumber told me this morning (for the third time so I was sure I heard him right), that this problem was not ours to fix. It was the city's problem and they would be dealing with it today. As I walked back to the house to call Guy with the great news, I was overcome with relief and let myself go for a few seconds.

Still so much to do, but man oh man. There is a light at the end of this tunnel of darkness. And tonight there may be a little celebrating down the street at our favorite neighborhood establishment, toasting the birth of my husband over forty years ago, and toasting a challenging experience that feels like its on its way to being over. Finally.

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