I don't know what it is about this year, but our street has honestly never looked so beautiful. Maybe its because its only March 4th and we're a whole month earlier than normal for cherry blossoms, but this week every time we've seen a neighbor on a walk or in our cars, we always stop and the first words out of our mouths are 'Can you believe HOW beautiful it is right now?'
I'm so DONE with this week (well almost - one studio full of scrapbookers and a PAC meeting happening simultaneously tonight). Its been a week of double bookings, major kilometres in the van, and too many spontaneous afterschool meetings on the playground. I need two weeks of low-keyness where I'm not meeting about school business, mosaic-making, writing twenty thousand cheques for school-this-that-and-the-other, and dealing with conflict, drama and personality issues. ENOUGH!
Phew, I said it and now it will be. :o)
And my new habit is off and running!!! I'm craving my water, and drinking every chance I get! I realized something totally bizarre this week which I really didn't think could happen - for a long period of time I kind of didn't even *like* water. Totally weird in my books, but true. I'm falling in like with it all over again and I'm already noticing a difference in how headache-free I am, how much more hydrated I feel (although I know I'm not totally hydrated yet), and how thirsty I am all the time (I think I ignored the constant thirst for a long time).
I's aaalllll good.
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