My time these days feels consumed by the lives of my children. School projects, homework, committees, performances, forms, birthday parties, appointments, plays... However, I am managing to carve out bits of time for me (by getting up way early these days, and somehow miraculously not feeling tired), so I'm not feeling totally burnt. Yet.
And when I do have moments of starting to feel charred by the busyness of raising three kids, lately I think of two people.
One is my friend Steph who is going through hell right now as she and her husband watch their 5 month old sparkling baby girl go through a battery of tests to determine how much cancer her little body has. Despite this she posts their updates with humour and grace and joy and love. She's feeling her moments of despair for sure, but she is so unbelievably focused on finding as much beauty she can in the midst of all this hell. So. Inspiring.
The other is a woman I don't know - her name is Kelle. Another blog I read had a link to her blog. Specifically the story of the birth of her second child in January. Read it. Poignant. Heartbreaking. Beautiful.
Brings life into pretty sharp focus. I don't know how I got so lucky. I feel blessed beyond belief.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Up with the birds isn't just for the birds
Today my 5:30am wake up saw me a tad on the grumpy side, but I still managed to bolt out of bed. I did have a good energetic day, and I have so say that I have not felt tired yet. Which is weird, because many times during the last few months I have had moments during the day where I could nod off for a nap.
Not this week. Not once have I had made any narcoleptic attemps.
Maybe this 5:30am thing is liking me on the whole....
Not this week. Not once have I had made any narcoleptic attemps.
Maybe this 5:30am thing is liking me on the whole....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Like clockwork...
There is an appliance in my house that I could not do without. Although it's never made an appearance in my daily gratitude list, it is certainly worthy of a daily mention (or twice daily as the case may be).
This morning I was lying in bed before my alarm went off, somewhat awake. Knowing. Sensing. I couldn't just look up and see the time on my alarm clock because my eyes aren't that good seeing three teensy little digital numbers across the room. I'd need my glasses or have to lean over Guy to see his clock. But I knew. The way you just know the boogie man psycho killer is going to jump out from behind that corner in that cheesy 70's horror flick. I knew the clock was soon to strike 5:30, and so would begin my day.
And then it did.
Before even a trip to the bathroom off I wonder into the kitchen to warm up my favorite appliance for action. A few minutes later, its ready for me, and I'm salivating at the thought of the first taste. My daily substance of choice. And soon all will be right with my world - enough to make 5:30am in a quiet house oh so worthwhile.

This morning I was lying in bed before my alarm went off, somewhat awake. Knowing. Sensing. I couldn't just look up and see the time on my alarm clock because my eyes aren't that good seeing three teensy little digital numbers across the room. I'd need my glasses or have to lean over Guy to see his clock. But I knew. The way you just know the boogie man psycho killer is going to jump out from behind that corner in that cheesy 70's horror flick. I knew the clock was soon to strike 5:30, and so would begin my day.
And then it did.
Before even a trip to the bathroom off I wonder into the kitchen to warm up my favorite appliance for action. A few minutes later, its ready for me, and I'm salivating at the thought of the first taste. My daily substance of choice. And soon all will be right with my world - enough to make 5:30am in a quiet house oh so worthwhile.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Early morning *tail*
Lifehack Challenge Day One. For a Monday, its an easy day. Getting up 'around' 5:30 is a bit easier on this day, as Lisa and I have bumped up our Monday/Wednesday morning jaunts to 6:15.
However, these extra few minutes kinda put me at a loss this morning...
I jump out of bed, turn off my alarm clock that now sits beside the door on the other side of the room, and get dressed. What happened next really should have woken my entire family, but somehow didn't. I come quietly downstairs to spend a few minutes at my art desk, and Cody starts feverously wagging his tail (a force of nature in itself!). WAG! WAG! WAG! BOOF! He bounds out of his crate, as if to say, 'Its time to go Mom?!' He's such a creature of habit that he thinks if he's slept, and its still dark and I'm in my clothes, it only means one thing. WALK!
Clickety-Clack CLICKETY-CLACK CLICKETY-CLACK go his long nails on the laminate - I rush to close Sam's dorr tightly so he doesn't wake up at this kooky blissfully quiet hour, and Cody is still going at it like there's no tomorrow. 'MOM! WALK! NOW! CLICKETY-CLACK! DOOR! WAG! WAG! VAN! GO!' Oy vay! After some hushed scolding, he sulks back into his crate, patiently waiting for me to move an inch, as if to say 'OKAY............. NOW!'
Back to my art desk I focus, not quite sure just what to do, which for me is SUPER odd. I'm never really at a loss for things to do. When I'm in the midst of chaos and craziness and too many school meetings, too much paperwork, too much housework to do, laundry to fold, I'm SO inspired creatively. I think of a MILLION little things that I could do if I take 15 minutes. Or 5.
But this morning. Zip. Zero. Creativity null.
So I cut some more pages out of my old Real Simple magazines to fill what is looking like its going to be the collage of all collages - filling up an entire wall in my home (I won't really - they will go into my collage book, and I *may* create a vision board... we'll see).
The clock now says 6:05 - time to let the hound out into the yard for a pre-walk piddle, and get my shoes on. I deactivate the alarm, let Cody outside, I go upstairs and no sooner Guy scrambles out of the bedroom with his 'What the ---' look on his face. The kind of look you have when you are suddenly awakened by a smoke alarm or loud crash or earthquake. The kind where you're not sure where you are or what year it is. He stares at me quizzically in the hall as I get on my coat and hat, and I tell him I'm just about to leave. Relief sweeps his face, and then confusion sets in. Somehow in his slumber between my alarm at 5:30 and the door chime ringing as I let Cody out at 6:05, he's mistakenly cogitated that I'd left, and the door chime he heard was some early morning intruder plotting to steal a cup of our wicked espresso.
'No sweetie - everything's fine. I just got up early and now I'm going to the golf course.' I reassure him. He turns around, gives what I think is a little 'whoaaa that was weird' shake of the head and starts off for the bathroom.
I bid him goodbye and leave my house in peace and quiet and go off with my dog into the darkness of our early morning walk.
However, these extra few minutes kinda put me at a loss this morning...
I jump out of bed, turn off my alarm clock that now sits beside the door on the other side of the room, and get dressed. What happened next really should have woken my entire family, but somehow didn't. I come quietly downstairs to spend a few minutes at my art desk, and Cody starts feverously wagging his tail (a force of nature in itself!). WAG! WAG! WAG! BOOF! He bounds out of his crate, as if to say, 'Its time to go Mom?!' He's such a creature of habit that he thinks if he's slept, and its still dark and I'm in my clothes, it only means one thing. WALK!
Clickety-Clack CLICKETY-CLACK CLICKETY-CLACK go his long nails on the laminate - I rush to close Sam's dorr tightly so he doesn't wake up at this kooky blissfully quiet hour, and Cody is still going at it like there's no tomorrow. 'MOM! WALK! NOW! CLICKETY-CLACK! DOOR! WAG! WAG! VAN! GO!' Oy vay! After some hushed scolding, he sulks back into his crate, patiently waiting for me to move an inch, as if to say 'OKAY............. NOW!'
Back to my art desk I focus, not quite sure just what to do, which for me is SUPER odd. I'm never really at a loss for things to do. When I'm in the midst of chaos and craziness and too many school meetings, too much paperwork, too much housework to do, laundry to fold, I'm SO inspired creatively. I think of a MILLION little things that I could do if I take 15 minutes. Or 5.
But this morning. Zip. Zero. Creativity null.
So I cut some more pages out of my old Real Simple magazines to fill what is looking like its going to be the collage of all collages - filling up an entire wall in my home (I won't really - they will go into my collage book, and I *may* create a vision board... we'll see).
The clock now says 6:05 - time to let the hound out into the yard for a pre-walk piddle, and get my shoes on. I deactivate the alarm, let Cody outside, I go upstairs and no sooner Guy scrambles out of the bedroom with his 'What the ---' look on his face. The kind of look you have when you are suddenly awakened by a smoke alarm or loud crash or earthquake. The kind where you're not sure where you are or what year it is. He stares at me quizzically in the hall as I get on my coat and hat, and I tell him I'm just about to leave. Relief sweeps his face, and then confusion sets in. Somehow in his slumber between my alarm at 5:30 and the door chime ringing as I let Cody out at 6:05, he's mistakenly cogitated that I'd left, and the door chime he heard was some early morning intruder plotting to steal a cup of our wicked espresso.
'No sweetie - everything's fine. I just got up early and now I'm going to the golf course.' I reassure him. He turns around, gives what I think is a little 'whoaaa that was weird' shake of the head and starts off for the bathroom.
I bid him goodbye and leave my house in peace and quiet and go off with my dog into the darkness of our early morning walk.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
With the birds
Inspired by a post from Lee's blog, I am also up for the Lifehack Challenge this week - to become an earli(er) riser in 5 days. It is on my list of potential habit-changers for this year, but why not give it a go to see what it really feels like?
There's something about 5am that I've always liked - not that I've seen that hour too many times in my life (other than the baby years), but I very fondly recall a very early morning trip to the airport many summers ago around 5am that was sooooo peaceful, so quiet and so serene.
However 5am might kill me.
So 5:30am it is! I walk with my gal Lisa tomorrow and Wednesday morning at 6:15, so I'm already up pretty early because of that... I'm sure I can wake a few minutes earlier to do this, AND enjoy the peace and quiet of my house the other mornings before the boys stir...
I'll try to post my effort and how I feel each day. The only thing that I'm uncertain of is just what time I need to be asleep each night to accomplish this goal. Tonight will be the hardest, as I imagine tomorrow I'll be knackered by 6am. {snicker}
There's something about 5am that I've always liked - not that I've seen that hour too many times in my life (other than the baby years), but I very fondly recall a very early morning trip to the airport many summers ago around 5am that was sooooo peaceful, so quiet and so serene.
However 5am might kill me.
So 5:30am it is! I walk with my gal Lisa tomorrow and Wednesday morning at 6:15, so I'm already up pretty early because of that... I'm sure I can wake a few minutes earlier to do this, AND enjoy the peace and quiet of my house the other mornings before the boys stir...
I'll try to post my effort and how I feel each day. The only thing that I'm uncertain of is just what time I need to be asleep each night to accomplish this goal. Tonight will be the hardest, as I imagine tomorrow I'll be knackered by 6am. {snicker}
Thursday, March 18, 2010
my new playground
Six months ago when we redid our basement I was not in a creative headspace. At all. I was so happy to get rid of the gray walls, the yucky flooring and old furniture that I gave up what was once my art table for the sake of the pc.
And then I realized something was missing.
For so long my art table resembled a dumping ground of 'stuff' that had to be put away, found a home for, or to be file-13ed. I couldn't even see it anymore, and consequently could not see that part of my brain/life anymore. And in January when my creative urge began to come back, it hit me:
And so I did. And I SO am in love with this space that finally feels like it will be used.
(now if only I could cordon off my space so none of the aforementioned items land their sorry asses on it again!)

And then I realized something was missing.
For so long my art table resembled a dumping ground of 'stuff' that had to be put away, found a home for, or to be file-13ed. I couldn't even see it anymore, and consequently could not see that part of my brain/life anymore. And in January when my creative urge began to come back, it hit me:
And so I did. And I SO am in love with this space that finally feels like it will be used.
(now if only I could cordon off my space so none of the aforementioned items land their sorry asses on it again!)
Okay... I'm such a sucker for these things, but I love reading them after and seeing what kind of mood I was in, and if my responses differ... its a real headlight into my soul at a given time...
10 favorites
Colour: purple
Food: perrogies and cabbage rolls
Month: February
Song: 'Save a Life' by The Fray
Movie: Something's Gotta Give
Sport: curling
Season: spring
Day of the Week: Friday
Ice Cream Flavour: chocolate
Time of Day: dawn
9 Currents
Mood: inspired
Clothes: pjs and robe - cozy
Taste: post caffeine
Desktop: inspired
Toenail colour: naked
Time: 9:46am
Surroundings: my newly organized and refreshed inside studio - I'm going to blog and post pics about it later. Feels SOOOOO good and inspiring already couldn't wait to get down here first thing this morning!
Thoughts: Do I really HAVE TO go out at all today?
Wonderings: Why am I so scared to start reading 'Pillars of the Earth'?
8 Firsts
Best Friend: Sue Kim
Kiss: oh my... Alan somebody in grade 9 - he was mulatto black with icy blue eyes and braces (lol), dancing to Stairway to Heaven (cheesy, I know)
Screen name: tll
Pet: Taffy
Piercing: ears
Crush: Shaun Cassidy
Computer: I think it was a computer that Guy had ... can't remember it very well at all
Home Location: Edmonton, near Bonnie Doon Mall, kind of kitty corner to where my Dad lives now (funny)
7 Lasts
Cigarette: hmmm... sometime in the mid 90's I think? (unless I slipped up in a drunken stupor sometime in the last few years!??)
Drink: Alcohol - beautifully rich Bordeaux last night; Non-Alcohol - espresso, soon to be another
Kiss: when Guy left for work this morning
Movie seen at the theatre: Crazy Heart with Alison last week
Phone call: the kids last night, calling from Nanaimo - Tessa's voice was heartbreaking, so I'm picking them up tomorrow
CD played: 'Cafe Paris'
Gift received: cash from my aunt in the mail with a sweet belated birthday card I have pinned up on my bulletin board
6 Have You Evers
Dated one of your best friends: kinda
Broken the law: yup
Been arrested: nope
Skinny dipped: yup, and quite recently I might add - just a few months ago in Sooke (shhhh)
Been on TV: yup
Kissed someone you didn't know: ooooh yes, that boy on the dance floor in 1993.... wowzers, what alcohol can make a person do!
5 things
You've eaten today: actually nothing yet, just the espresso, but I am hungry - one of Nancy's chicken's eggs is calling my name, and nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
You've done today: cut out some magazine pictures for a collage, checked my email, lurked around my new fave blog, made espresso, smelled the dried lavender in a pot on my desk
You can hear right now: birds chirping outside, Cody snoring, the loud pitter-patter of Sadie as she comes down the stairs, the whirring of the computer, the traffic in the distance
You can't live without: my family, my friends, espresso, my camera, and my dreams and hopes
You do when you're bored: surf the web, read magazines, laundry, read emails, tidy the kitchen
4 Places You've Been Today
my bed
the kitchen
the bathroom
my indoor studio (I need to come up with a name as good as my outdoor studio - The Scrap Shack)
3 people you can tell anything to
(weird... never noticed before that they all start with 'A')
2 Choices
Black or white: black
Hot or cold: hot
10 favorites
Colour: purple
Food: perrogies and cabbage rolls
Month: February
Song: 'Save a Life' by The Fray
Movie: Something's Gotta Give
Sport: curling
Season: spring
Day of the Week: Friday
Ice Cream Flavour: chocolate
Time of Day: dawn
9 Currents
Mood: inspired
Clothes: pjs and robe - cozy
Taste: post caffeine
Desktop: inspired
Toenail colour: naked
Time: 9:46am
Surroundings: my newly organized and refreshed inside studio - I'm going to blog and post pics about it later. Feels SOOOOO good and inspiring already couldn't wait to get down here first thing this morning!
Thoughts: Do I really HAVE TO go out at all today?
Wonderings: Why am I so scared to start reading 'Pillars of the Earth'?
8 Firsts
Best Friend: Sue Kim
Kiss: oh my... Alan somebody in grade 9 - he was mulatto black with icy blue eyes and braces (lol), dancing to Stairway to Heaven (cheesy, I know)
Screen name: tll
Pet: Taffy
Piercing: ears
Crush: Shaun Cassidy
Computer: I think it was a computer that Guy had ... can't remember it very well at all
Home Location: Edmonton, near Bonnie Doon Mall, kind of kitty corner to where my Dad lives now (funny)
7 Lasts
Cigarette: hmmm... sometime in the mid 90's I think? (unless I slipped up in a drunken stupor sometime in the last few years!??)
Drink: Alcohol - beautifully rich Bordeaux last night; Non-Alcohol - espresso, soon to be another
Kiss: when Guy left for work this morning
Movie seen at the theatre: Crazy Heart with Alison last week
Phone call: the kids last night, calling from Nanaimo - Tessa's voice was heartbreaking, so I'm picking them up tomorrow
CD played: 'Cafe Paris'
Gift received: cash from my aunt in the mail with a sweet belated birthday card I have pinned up on my bulletin board
6 Have You Evers
Dated one of your best friends: kinda
Broken the law: yup
Been arrested: nope
Skinny dipped: yup, and quite recently I might add - just a few months ago in Sooke (shhhh)
Been on TV: yup
Kissed someone you didn't know: ooooh yes, that boy on the dance floor in 1993.... wowzers, what alcohol can make a person do!
5 things
You've eaten today: actually nothing yet, just the espresso, but I am hungry - one of Nancy's chicken's eggs is calling my name, and nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
You've done today: cut out some magazine pictures for a collage, checked my email, lurked around my new fave blog, made espresso, smelled the dried lavender in a pot on my desk
You can hear right now: birds chirping outside, Cody snoring, the loud pitter-patter of Sadie as she comes down the stairs, the whirring of the computer, the traffic in the distance
You can't live without: my family, my friends, espresso, my camera, and my dreams and hopes
You do when you're bored: surf the web, read magazines, laundry, read emails, tidy the kitchen
4 Places You've Been Today
my bed
the kitchen
the bathroom
my indoor studio (I need to come up with a name as good as my outdoor studio - The Scrap Shack)
3 people you can tell anything to
(weird... never noticed before that they all start with 'A')
2 Choices
Black or white: black
Hot or cold: hot
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Joy of Julia
My life was {happily} not my own today. Julia Child took it over with a vengence, and with the kids away, I read her instructions, salivated heavily and crossed my fingers that today would be the day I would find - most likely out of season - small white boiler onions. Five stores later (jeeeezus) I found some, along with my other ingredients to make her famously fabulous Boeuf Bourguignon - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It was about one o'clock when I began. Having read the recipe three times, I read it all over again - gawd her recipes ARE long, but so informative!
I pride myself on being a pretty good cook (aka. I can follow a recipe relatively well, and have been known to improvise well when needed). But there are things that I've learned from Julia in the last few months that I had NEVER known before! I now know how to make ten second omelettes that are to die for, I've never ever in my life known how to 'properly' brown mushrooms - OH MY GOD, WHERE HAVE THESE BABIES BEEN? THEY ARE LIKE CANDY! And today I learned about the rind in bacon, how to blanch bacon, how to properly brown meat, what flour can really do to meat, how to brown braise those cute little onions.....

I pride myself on being a pretty good cook (aka. I can follow a recipe relatively well, and have been known to improvise well when needed). But there are things that I've learned from Julia in the last few months that I had NEVER known before! I now know how to make ten second omelettes that are to die for
Full circle
To have watched my Dad curl in the Brier 11 years ago,
its so great to see him so happy for friends and an old team mate who just won this year's Brier on Sunday. This picture appeared in the Edmonton Journal today - taken at the Edmonton airport last night as Kevin Koe (Team Alberta's skip in the photo with my Dad) and his team arrived back from Brier in Halifax.
Almost a million people in Canada watched that amazing game on Sunday.
Pretty cool...

Almost a million people in Canada watched that amazing game on Sunday.
Pretty cool...
Friday, March 12, 2010
spring break musings...

The week has also been punctuated by the wackiest weather the coast has seen all winter - freakish snowstorms (thankfully not sticking here yet), chilly temperatures, a middle of the night trip to emergency for Tessa, who is recovering well from the most acutely painful but mild ear infection she's ever had (go figure), and anticipating the arrival of our new leather couch only to discover (not a surprise) that the movers couldn't get it inside our house {sigh}...
Everything happens for a reason...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Saturday, Saturday where are you???
I absolutely can't wait until Saturday, when all I have to do most mornings over the next two weeks is take in this view:

I don't know what it is about this year, but our street has honestly never looked so beautiful. Maybe its because its only March 4th and we're a whole month earlier than normal for cherry blossoms, but this week every time we've seen a neighbor on a walk or in our cars, we always stop and the first words out of our mouths are 'Can you believe HOW beautiful it is right now?'
I'm so DONE with this week (well almost - one studio full of scrapbookers and a PAC meeting happening simultaneously tonight). Its been a week of double bookings, major kilometres in the van, and too many spontaneous afterschool meetings on the playground. I need two weeks of low-keyness where I'm not meeting about school business, mosaic-making, writing twenty thousand cheques for school-this-that-and-the-other, and dealing with conflict, drama and personality issues. ENOUGH!
Phew, I said it and now it will be. :o)
And my new habit is off and running!!! I'm craving my water, and drinking every chance I get! I realized something totally bizarre this week which I really didn't think could happen - for a long period of time I kind of didn't even *like* water. Totally weird in my books, but true. I'm falling in like with it all over again and I'm already noticing a difference in how headache-free I am, how much more hydrated I feel (although I know I'm not totally hydrated yet), and how thirsty I am all the time (I think I ignored the constant thirst for a long time).
I's aaalllll good.
I don't know what it is about this year, but our street has honestly never looked so beautiful. Maybe its because its only March 4th and we're a whole month earlier than normal for cherry blossoms, but this week every time we've seen a neighbor on a walk or in our cars, we always stop and the first words out of our mouths are 'Can you believe HOW beautiful it is right now?'
I'm so DONE with this week (well almost - one studio full of scrapbookers and a PAC meeting happening simultaneously tonight). Its been a week of double bookings, major kilometres in the van, and too many spontaneous afterschool meetings on the playground. I need two weeks of low-keyness where I'm not meeting about school business, mosaic-making, writing twenty thousand cheques for school-this-that-and-the-other, and dealing with conflict, drama and personality issues. ENOUGH!
Phew, I said it and now it will be. :o)
And my new habit is off and running!!! I'm craving my water, and drinking every chance I get! I realized something totally bizarre this week which I really didn't think could happen - for a long period of time I kind of didn't even *like* water. Totally weird in my books, but true. I'm falling in like with it all over again and I'm already noticing a difference in how headache-free I am, how much more hydrated I feel (although I know I'm not totally hydrated yet), and how thirsty I am all the time (I think I ignored the constant thirst for a long time).
I's aaalllll good.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Habit #2
And this one is kinda hard/kinda easy at the same time. Its one where I'm reversing a bad habit, and turning it into a good habit. It will give me energy. Help me sleep better. Make me feel more healthy, and it will be one that I will become addicted to. No, its not legal drugs. ;o)
Its water.
My second new habit I'm incorporating into my life is consuming more water. I know - BORING! It may sound boring, but I'm actually really excited about being accountable to this change. So many times I've had headaches, a parched mouth, low energy, and just an overall dehydrated feeling, and I know exactly why. And I always think 'tomorrow I'll start'. And its one of those things that I will notice a huge difference in days!
But I'm starting small. Today I started off my day with a 6am slug of water, a 6:15am walk around the golf course, and another huge slug of water at 7am. I almost drank more water before 7am than I do most days! Today I drank more at work than I usually do. Right now the measuring part is easy - I'm going from relatively very little water to a bit more. And I'll keep on increasing that way.
And my reward is that on March 15th, with my new habit firmly entrenched... i will buy myself a new water bottle to replace my old sad looking bottle with peeling pink paint. It holds too much for me anyways - I think I feel overwhelmed drinking from it because its so big. I need something smaller and more easily drinkable. {silly I know!}
And to hold myself to this habit - every day for the next 60 or so days, WATER is going to be one of the things I'm going to write I'm grateful for EVERY day.
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