Its been a while since I've really paid attention to serendipity or anything to do with 'the universe at work', but I had a run in with the universe in just the last hour, which was way cool.
Our accountant has moved up island, and informed me that if we wanted to get our personal tax stuff together (like I promised her I would last week), she would be picking up stuff from her drop box here in town tomorrow morning. {Nothing like a deadline to get ME motivated!} Now, I don't know why I've put off doing our taxes... I know we're getting a nice chunk back again this year. I've been diligently putting everything tax-related in a folder in my cupboard all year. Everything's there. There's no boogie-tax-man going to stake claim on my firstborn. Its all good, right?
So, motivated little me organizes all the paperwork (locating a couple 'lost' documents from my 'afterschool pocket') and puts it together and tallies up the totals. In the meantime, our mailman delivers the mail (mostly bills these days, but I still rush out to get it because I LOVE getting mail). AH HA!! Unexpected cheque in the mail from our government! LOVE IT!
{universe 1 - me 1}
Then, as I'm adding our tally of Home Renovation Tax Credit receipts, I see the Toilet Rebate Form I'd sent in over 4 months ago. Haven't yet received a cheque... Hmmm.... maybe all is lost on that, and we're not getting a cheque after all. WRONG! I decide to make a call to the regional district to see what the deal is with our rebate. I happen to talk to a gal I know, who tells me that we should be expecting our fun little cheque in the mail in the next couple weeks. YIPPEE!!!
{universe 2 - me 2!}
So, call it Law of Attraction, or call it whatever you want. The universe (or someone, or something, or just plain me) decided to reward me for my procrastination by saying "YES!" And in the span of the 45 minutes it took me to get my income tax shit together, $250 pretty much unexpectedly fell into my lap.
Geezzz.... I wonder how much this income tax refund will be?!??
I LOVE the universe!